Location : Anisani Resort, Bukit Panchor
Gadget : Nokia N82 ; Carl Zeiss, 5 megapixcel
"..gigih going up there just to look at the sunset..actly i'm not the one who's too addicted to sunset..but Leanny did it..ahaks..as usual, i just using my tiny miny gadget too shot anything that i think it can be shoted..so, these are all the hasil..not satisfied actly because it's to dark..yeah, it's just tiny miny gadget.."
zup zup..ni zack...zaqqim
..wahhh..dh siap masuk dulu dh nih..semangat tol..nyway..thanks buddy..
Wahhh.. cantiknye gambaq nihhhhh
..harus la..tgk tangan ler..ihiks..