"25..25..25..how do u feel when turning to Silver age??..ahaks..almost a silver i guess..(masih ade lagi sisa gangsa dlm umur AP..boley ngaku cmtu??x pun cukup la silver 925..ihikss) afraid on counting to reach the gold..thanks to all readers, fesbukers, followers, fanatics, and oso not to forget AP's family on wishes and prays to me myself AP..terharu nih..i never thought that i'll rasa a piece of cake (at least) on my birthday..thanks to Rashid & Hanim for the cake (touching sgt..matila nanges berjurai2)..instead just a cake..AP oso got a bungkusan from someone..at least i got some surprise rather than nothing kan??..thanks oso for her..such a cute card..(handmade lak tu..x terjangkau kreativiti AP tuk pk wat kad cmtu..atau sebenarnya mmg AP xde kebolahan dlm cipta ciptun kad ni??)..quite a numbers of wishing word i got..thanks again dearest frens.."
"..opis calling me tell that there was some 'bungkusan' for me..but she's oledi told me that bersedia for that bungkusan at the first second of my birthday.."
"..tooodiaaa..3 at de time..best2..ade pesanan kat ctu..buka kena ikot turutan..klu x ikot tau ke??hahaha..but AP still follow the Q..bese la..silver x cukup masak lg..masih budak2..ikot je ngan nerd dan tulus pe yg disuruh..mampu??.."
"..ihiks..the first thing i get..key chain for my N82..wah..siap nama nih..glitters2 lg..bling2 segala..bersinau-sinau mata melihat..bersinar lg hati ini..chop!!!..sgt leleh ayat itu..bukan AP yg tulis..tp hati yg berkata.."
"..and the last but not least.."
"..selain dari all these, AP oso got 2 kupon to be redeemed from her..an oledi redeem it last night..pe ek??ahaks..rahsia..mane leh khabor..hgpa nih bukan nye boleh..habis nnt seantero dunia tau..pe ye??tunggu la nnt..bak katanye..nantikan dihari yang mendatang..ceth!!.."
"..selain dari all these, AP oso got 2 kupon to be redeemed from her..an oledi redeem it last night..pe ek??ahaks..rahsia..mane leh khabor..hgpa nih bukan nye boleh..habis nnt seantero dunia tau..pe ye??tunggu la nnt..bak katanye..nantikan dihari yang mendatang..ceth!!.."