Location : Various
Gadget : Nokia N82 ; Carl Zeiss, 5 megapixcel
Software : PhotoScape + Photoshop Lightroom + ACD FotoCanvas
"..keterujaan menjadi2..sampaikan waktu rehat opis pun begitu tekun mengedit gambar yg entah berkurun lama..org kate..gambar lame yg diberi nafas baru..bernafaskah??..pape pun, cume 'asah' gune 'gurmit' je bakat yg ade..nk gune 'peraut', bukan senang..yg pasti 'pengorek'kan ilmu itu yg penting..so, i would like to share with readers the outcome..sentuhan berbeza..juxtapose it with the others.."
pandai ni guna ayat gerumit no.....he he
..ahaks..kak ainee yg ajaq :P ..